Kayakers’ Blogs

Blog Links

The blogs links are those put up by kayakers in New Zealand and Overseas and about kayaking.

New Zealanders’ Blogs


Daring2Go Jilly’s Travels.

Iceland – London UK – Minneapolis, Anchorage – Denali Park, Prudhoe Bay via the Dalton Highway (aka Haul Road), Wrangell St.Elias National Park, 14-16 Sept 08, Juneau – 20th Sept, 08, Prince Rupert, Prince George, Jasper, Colombian Icefield, Lake Louise, Banff, Calgary, Vancouver BC, Honolulu.


An adventure to South America, then sailing from Tierra del Fuego to the Falklands, South Georgia and Antarctica.


EXPLORING UNKNOWN PLACES; driving, walking and kayaking in Turkey, Greece, and France


The Arctic north of Norway plus other places.


The Arctic again. Up the strait between Baffin Island and Greenland.


Tara & Sim

A Long Cold Winter Tara & Sim’s blog of paddling around the South Island in winter.



Conrad Edward’s kayak pages. Conrad often paddles with Paul Caffyn and some of those are included in the list of expeditions.

Links to Conrad’s trip stories.



Marlborough Sea Kayak Network Where adventure is only a few paddle strokes away…


Sandy Winterton’s Blog, based in New Zealand. Random musing, photos and drivel on kayakkery, travel and general boatiness. Some of the articles were first published in the ‘New Zealand Sea Canoeist’ magazine.


Redz NZ Journey It is my inner desire to paddle around New Zealand. I have dreamt of doing this all my life, you could say it is on my “bucket list”

When I share this dream with others their normal response is, “ARE YOU MAD?”

Maybe a little!.. some people will understand, some will not. This is just a personal journey, not a race, not to beat others. I have so much admiration those who have completed this trip they truly are awe inspiring.


Overseas Kayakers’ Blogs

Jamie Sharp

Kayak Down Under NZ 2010-11 Jaime Sharp & Dave Briggs were to paddle from North Cape to Stewart Island but didn’t start until January, halfway through the season. They got as far as Wellington.

It is interesting to note that Tara Mulvany started her circumnavigation of the South Island at the “end” of the kayaking season (winter) and then did the North Island during the supposed kayaking season (summer).


Down the Mississippi River

Auckland paddler Greg Dunning (aka Musselman) has completed a swift trip down the Mississippi River.